Wednesday, February 27, 2008

So I'm about to die again for a little while.

Just some heads up. I am ushering for Shiloh Rules this weekend, teching Ophelia next weekend, auditioning for one-acts after that, then teching for Baby with the Bathwater... all while writing a script and working on other classes.

Fun! >_<


Papa D said...

We'll miss your regular posts on this blog. Oh, wait a minute . . .


Citrus, Mrmn, Etc. said...

ha... ha... ha...

ldsskittle07 said...

mama says:

noticed lunchbox has posted 4 times in the 2 weeks he's had his blog...think you could learn some lessons from him?! :)

Papa D said...

Leave him alone, babe. According to this thread, he's mostly dead.

Papa D said...

Test. Sorry to use your blog, but you're not on it much anyway. *grin*

Lunchbox said...

mwa hah hah

I have conquered your soul again!!!!

o and your parents make me happy.